Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Highlander

Remember Highlander? "There can be only one."

This rings true when outings with friends reaches a certain topic. The topic usually involves a person which gets ridiculed, gossiped and talked about by everyone but never wish to meet in person. I guess every clique or group would have this special person, but with my own group, I haven't meet any other person which would invoke such a negative response even though it's a first time meeting/outing. It's sad sometimes hearing all the comments and b*tching that happens but if Highlander-kun does nothing to change his attitude or at least try to improve himself I guess there is no chance for salvation.

My group usually have one thing in common, our love for the game of magic the gathering. The game have helped me meet new people, which most of them are the nicest blokes u can find. So with this regard, it's pretty awkward when Highlander-kun would persist in joining us during our gaming sessions but is unwilling or refuse to invest some money/time into the game. I mean it's pitiful to see him being left out of conversations due to lack of knowledge or topics that can relate to the group. A sudden cold joke in between or lame comment would simply turn the table silent.

Other instances would involve him persisting on doing other activities while the rest would rather chill or busy doing something else. Example? All of us was having dinner/chilling after a long day trying to catch up with things and during that same period, Highlander-kun continued to bug/persist to ask when are we going to the cybercafe. It's ok to ask once in a while but to continually bugging gets on everyone's nerves. I'm no exception.

So, if ya are reading this, improve yourself please. Patience does not last forever.

If anyone has any equally interesting story feel free to leave a comment. More stories later since this post has people tearing their eyes out for reading such a long rant... hoho.


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